We’ve got ‘The Look’


Swindon Dolphin swimmers
swapped swimsuits for fashion on Saturday when they modelled the latest clothes
at New Look on Regent Street in Swindon. About 20
swimmers took turns on the podium in their choice from the latest New Look range,
and when not modelling were instantly recognisable in their yellow club T shirts helping
with general duties in the store or collecting donations from shoppers.

This was one of a number
of events and fundraising initiatives to raise money to support the club’s 2008 warm
weather training camp in South Africa next Spring. A group of the club’s top swimmers
will be spending 11 days at the High Performance Centre in Pretoria during which they
will be able to take advantage of the superb, high altitude, facilities.

Our thanks to New Look
for their generous support of this event.

Jon Looking Smart …

Supermodels …

Kath’s got ‘the look’

Nice Cardi Jonah …


Source: Swindon Dolphin Press Team

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