Rowie Cycles for the ‘Your Day Foundation’


Swindon Dolphin Masters’ swimmer, Rowie Meers asks Dolphins to support the Your Day Foundation cycle ride from Lands End to John O’Groats which starts this Thursday, 25th of October.

Dolphin Calendar Photoshoot !

Dear Swimmer / Parent / Guardian

Graham McCallion will be at Milton Road on Sunday 16th September taking photos of each squad.  These photos will be used by the club in a variety of ways, the first being a 2008 […]

Otto Thanks Liam & Dolphins

Dolphin Bag Packers Busy at Sainsburys



The Swindon Dolphin Fundraising Committee wish to say a very big thank you to the small but tremendous team of swimmers and their families who turned up to pack shopping […]

Are You Ready to Pack Some Bags?

  We are ‘bag packing’ again at Sainsburys ( Oxford Road , Stratton) from 9am to 5pm on Saturday 14th of July.    Please come along to lend a hand – it is great fun and helps raise funds for the club to buy extra pool apparatus such as new starting equipment.  Funds raised may also […]