Day One
After a slightly wet start to the day, the 48 Isle of Wight training camp swimmers left the Oasis carpark enroute to Southampton on Sunday. The skies cleared pretty soon as the 3 mini buses hit the M4 heading east. It was an uneventful journey barr the various stops to secure the blue bus tarpaulin. The ferry crossing passed quickly and then it on to the Youth Hostel. The first pool session resulted in nine swimmers in Sharon’s Sick Bay….. mostly a combination of first day nerves and missing home. First pool session over, it was back to the Hostel for dinner and then off to the rooms. Here’s to a peaceful night………..

Swimmer’s quote of the day while in the middle of the Solent (walking around on the ferry)……..
“Are we on the boat yet?”
Day Two
- First 4:30am start now behind us with everyone up and on the buses within 10mins!
- Sharon’s Sick Bay only has 5 during the morning session!
- Chief Coach arrives wearing Ugg Boots???
- Needles 5 mile Walk
- Trampoline session plus circuits
- Second night a little quieter than the first night as swimmers getting a little tired.
Day Three
- Important update from day 2………. Someone has blisters! Who can it be? ….. it might have something to do with wearing Ugg Boots on a 5 mile walk with no socks!
- A real luxury as swimmers get a lie in, getting up at 6:30am… great!!!
- Swim session 4 over and after breakfast a 3 mile beach walk, whilst Jacky and Sharon went shopping for vital supplies and prepared a wonderful lunch. A very special note of thanks to George and James who work at the Co-op in Freshwater for their excellent customer service.

- A quiet relaxing afternoon before swim session number 5 which started with all 48 swimmers in the pool and no one in sick bay. Has Sharon been made redundant?
- After dinner the important business of picking the events for Thursday evenings Competition Night; will it be Red, Blue or Green team victorious on the night?
- With all the swimmers in their rooms, the Coaches are now reminiscing of IOW training camps past…. Sorry folks I don’t think we can print Andy’s story of abseiling.
Swimmer’s quote of the day……..
“Do we have to swim everyday?”
Day Four
- Stop Press….. Hopefully the swimmers have finally realised that they need swimming kit at the pool every session!
- Swim session 6 complete and it’s off to Little Canada where four teams of 12 tackle Abseiling, Trapeze, Archery and The Matrix.
- Almost all swimmers and coaches complete the 40ft abseil wall.
- Majority of swimmers and coaches leapt from the 40ft pole onto the Trapeze….. videos to follow!
- Archery…….. some good skills; no-one has an arrow in their head and Robin Hood is still looking for his Maid Marian
- The Matrix…. Problem solving, teamwork and noise!
- It was then on to the cinema which proved to be a perfect opportunity for a power-nap!
- The day finished with a fine meal. Well done Totland Pier!
Swimmer’s quote of the day having seen a sign advertising free-range eggs….
Does that mean the eggs can wander around the field?
Day Five
- Another lie in until 6:30am…… we really are being spoilt!
- Session 7 completed and a quick breakfast at the Leisure Centre, it was off to the Zoo where we saw the various Lions (Charlie Brown and Snoopy), Tigers, Monkeys, Lemurs and holding of bugs, followed by a trip to the Pier in Sandown.
- Despite the comprehensive swim programme the swimmers were still really keen for more swimming, but this time in the sea. Fortunately, we managed to restrict it to paddling!
- Thursday evening’s mini-gala saw a tightly fought battle between the Blue, Green and Red teams which culminated with an ‘all swimmer and coaches 18 x 25m Relay’………. Yes you read that right, all the adults swam the relay and the spectacle was well supported by the locals!!!! With just 3 points separating them at the end swimming, Green Team emerged as the overall Isle of Wight 2009 team winners… closely followed by Blue and Red
- Looking forward to seeing you all (parents) on Friday afternoon x